Dienstag, November 07, 2006


Hello Catherine - hello Mark

Ich brauch mal ne kleine Pause - I just need a little rest
- puting pictures of my cats is obviously an item for my takslist for blog design

but the real ToDo list looks more like this
  1. create an project at http://code.google.com/hosting/ -- done
  2. invest a little time in blog presentation. I don't want to win a price, I just need a painless way to get the information in (and for the readers to get it out).
  3. Find out about the correkt use links,
  4. and labels in post.
  5. find out how to get notified about new comments to my postings
  6. relax for a while
  7. hope to meanwhile find some links with help for novice bloggers
  8. Review the IronPython Code which evolves currently. (Focus is a painless way to display complete CLOB Fields in Oracle or Text Fields in SQL-Server.)
  9. Review again for the completeness of the errorhandling and dispose() and close() call
  10. Think abount some gui interface are there other way's to avoid OEM-Character-Code?
  11. Ask some wise man, why they can't just offer an ACP Codepage for cmd.exe
  12. Ask Tom wheather there is a sane reason for not storing the original Select star from anything view definition.
  13. Find out if there is some search engine which can find "select * from" Oracle

As with any real live ToDo-List the last points have lower priority and perhaps I never get to them.

2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Find out if there is some search engine which can find "select * from" Oracle

I've been wondering about this, too. It would be really nice if it could search MetaLink as well, though that's tricky since it's password-protected.

Anyway, the closest thing I know of is the Oracle Docs Firefox extension - have you heard of it?

Bernd Kriszio hat gesagt…

Ich vermute, daß man einigen Rechteproblemen bei einem Recompile aus dem Weg gehen will und das eigentlich, sonst fällt mir kein überzeugender Grund ein.
Mein Seitenhieb zielt hier mehr auf die Unfähigkeit der üblichen Suchmaschinen bestimmte Muster zu finden.
Thanks for the link i'll try it.