Samstag, November 04, 2006

begin IronPython; end;

Hello IronPython world - viele Grüße aus Deutschland

I plan to post here some notes, code examples and links concerning IronPython, databases as Oracle and SqlServer and their procedural extensions PL-SQL und T-SQL.

One idee is to build a minimal clone of SQL*PLUS in IronPython.

Why just SQL*PLUS? At the positive side it is rather dynamic

Var r ref cursor
exec something_vital(:r)
print r

till mow, I found no simple way to display the returned resultsets in neither TOAD nor sql-developer.
And it displays cursor expressions in Select statements directly. Try the following using the hr schema:

select DEPARTMENT_NAME, cursor (select first_name, last_name from employees e where e.department_id = d.department_id) from departments d;

Are they parsing this statement by themself.
Sql-Developer throws an error and my atempts via Ironpython and Oracle.DataAccess.Client aren't better.

At the other side, there are some handicaps with this tool, lets try to ignore them and do it better.

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